

Our goal as the industry’s only dedicated CPD provider is to support your future. We keep you updated, keep you informed and keep you motivated. We provide you with the people, the opportunity, the expertise and the training to take you from where you are, to where you want to be.







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Which Is Best: The New Or The Old?

Whether it’s focusing on a task, going to the gym, taking important phone calls or zoom meetings, all of us use earphones one way or another throughout the day. However, finding the right pair can be tough, so we are here to discuss whether it’s worth it to splurge on a good pair or go for something a little cheaper.
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Keeping Fit At Lunch Or After Work

We all know the benefits of exercise but struggle to find the time or motivation to fit it around our busy schedule. One way to combat this is to include a session within your work day, either before work, lunchtime or after work. Recruiting work colleagues will add to the enjoyment as well as have non-fitness related benefits when you’re all back in the office. Check out two quick sessions you can add to your schedule TODAY!
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Overcoming Stress – 8 Strategies That Work

As leaders we are often the person others are reliant upon and who people come to get answers. That is perfectly fine as we have chosen that line of work, and we are capable leaders, otherwise we wouldn’t be there. There will, however, be occasions when it really gets to us and it becomes a problem when it starts to affect our performance at work, our life away from work and our health. Here we discuss 8 simple strategies to help you reduce stress and operate at 100%.
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The Single Most Important Element Of Any Professional Development

You want to learn new skills, grow your capability and position yourself for more responsibility in a higher role. You seek professional development options, of which there is a myriad of options available to you. What is the key element in taking this step? What one single factor is the difference between development that will see you soar as opposed to sink?

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